The digital forest

In Mistra Digital Forest's podcast "The Digital Forest," you get to listen to exciting guests discussing digitalization in forestry.

– We are testing a new format in our communication efforts, and I am very happy with the interesting conversations that the podcast has resulted in. Many ideas have been generated, which we will carry with us in our continued work within Mistra Digital Forest, says Sverker Danielsson, Program Manager for Mistra Digital Forest as well as host of the podcast.

Available episodes (in Swedish):

How does the societal debate impact research, and how free is research today in the field of forestry? These are questions discussed in the first episode of the podcast "The Digital Forest."

Charlotte Bengtsson, CEO Skogforsk
Göran Ericsson, Dean of the Faculty of Forest Sciences at SLU.
Maria Wetterstrand, CEO Miltton Europe


How can forestry undergo a digital transformation, and what new opportunities does it bring? These are questions discussed in the second episode of "The Digital Forest" podcast.

Jan Åhlund, Former forestry director at Holmen Skog.
Daniel Nylén, University lecturer at the Swedish Center for Digital Innovation (SCDI) at Umeå University.


How will the forestry of the future look? And what values should future forest companies deliver? In this episode of "The Digital Forest," you as a listener will be treated to a glimpse into the future.

Erik Willén, Stora Enso

Per Edström, Mid Sweden University & Mistra Digital Forest


How has the technological development of companies been during the first four years of the Mistra Digital Forest research program? What is happening in terms of digitalization within forest companies, and what kind of forestry can we expect in the future?


Lovisa Haglöf, Head of Strategy and Development at Stora Enso.
Magnus Bergman, Head of Technology and Digitalization at SCA Skog.

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