BioMapp applicability is extended - to evaluate multiple aspects of sustainability

The BioMapp visualisation tool allows decision-makers to analyse alternative ways of using forest raw materials and see how sustainability is affected at each stage of the value chain, from forest to product. A new report tests and describes BioMapp's extended usability.

BioMapp is a tool for visualising material flows from forestry, and was developed during Mistra Digital Forest's first phase. In order to describe future scenarios for different action alternatives in Swedish forestry and how they affect the rest of the value chain, BioMapp needs forestry data from SLU's Heureka PlanVis tool. The work of integrating the tools has begun, and the report Visualisation of Raw Material Flows and Sustainability for Future Swedish Forestry - From Forest to Product, presents the results that are made possible by combining these two.

Åsa Nilsson, IVL
Åsa Nilsson, IVL. Photo: Johan Olsson.

– The results show successful integration of Heureka and BioMapp. We see that simulated changes in forestry have an impact on the raw material flows to remaining value chains. In other words, BioMapp can visualise the climate impact for each step in the value chain, says the report's co-author Åsa Nilsson, researcher/developer at IVL, adding:

– The integration with Heureka PlanVis also makes it possible to evaluate additional aspects of sustainability  that are relevant to the production of Swedish forest raw material.

The researchers have tested BioMapp's functionality by simulating seven scenarios for two densely forested Swedish counties, with differing conditions. In one scenario, no forestry is carried out, another scenario corresponds to current forestry, and other scenarios examine the outcome of more productivity-enhancing measures, and also increased nature conservation.

– Our scenarios are not predictions of the future, but they show the possibilities and benefits of using BioMapp, says Åsa.

The plan is to further develop BioMapp during Mistra Digital Forest's second phase.

Demo result - interactive tool (in Swedish)

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